Jumat, 16 Desember 2016

my favorite pleace to treaveld

hy friend how are you?if today you feel happy?q please always happy yes.uh, it seems today I feel happy at all want to know why?because today my parents called me earlier, because the They've long not nelpon I feels so happy to hear their voices and the most I miss is a joke and makes them long for most is the advice mereka.oh yes I almost forgot, that's not what I want but tell me about a favorite place that I've visited the place is a waterfall crocodiles in the village engkudu in Sekadau, sub Belitang hulu.kalian you curious definitely like where is it? I'm sorry can not show you a picture of my you.but will provide the characteristics, beautiful place, lots of shade trees, its water is very beautiful.but comrades unfortunately there the water will look beautiful when the rainy season, dry season water flows are not too smooth. eh comrade'm sorry story q may be up here first because I was again no events nih. but do not ever get tired of seeing my stuff yes. See you in the next post.

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